ATM-- In the video economy, this doesn't indicate a banks dollars system. But if you need a hint, the" A" word rhymes with size. Says mature artist Joselyn Pink," I doesn't appearance at an ATM equipment the exact again". It involves placing something that was recently in a child's middle in the mouth. If the" TM" in ATM stands for" to mouth" then you can probably figure out what" A" stands for.
Autoerotic asphyxia: "intentionally cutting off oxygen to the brain for physical arousal," according to Wikipedia's concept of this phrase. Observe: Get watchful. Notice even: Scarfing.
Who Is The Best Milf
BBW is the name for" Big Beautiful Girls," commonly used when there is a sexual attraction to overweight women. We knew there must be an crowd for this because we had a colleague who was a pudgy seeker back in college.
Buggery-- Anal gender.
Candaulism:" A man exposes his person, or photographs of her, to other individuals for their weirdo satisfaction," Wikipedia once again for this one. It may also indicate a spouse's gratitude for seeing their mate engage in sexual activity with another person.
DVDA-- In what seems to us to be a highly unlikely act, let's just say that the" Ds" in DVDA stand for double, brunette tickled and the" V" and" A" stand for a woman's lower parts. Consequently, if you're doing the math at home, that's four folks, two slots, and what must be one very miserable adult student. One of those bloated Chipotle tacos would be what this action would be if it were a meal.
DP-- Stands for twice insertion, and it commonly means having two different guys' elements inserted at the same time into both of a victim's, uhh... lower parts.
Femdom-- Abbreviation for" Female Dominance